MyProfi – beta

MySQL log analyzer and profiler. Extracts the most popular queries grouping them by their normalized form and shows the statistics for each group. Helps developers to recognize most frequently run queries to be able to optimize overall db performance.

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nxlog – A multi-platform universal log collector and forwarder

nxlog is a modular, multi-threaded, high-performance log management solution with multi-platform support. In concept it is similar to syslog-ng or rsyslog but is not limited to unix/syslog only. It can collect logs from files in various formats, receive logs from the network remotely over UDP, TCP or TLS/SSL . It supports platform specific sources such as the Windows Eventlog, Linux kernel logs, Android logs, local syslog etc. Writing and reading logs to/from databases is also supported. The collected logs can be stored into files, databases or forwarded to a remote log server using various protocols. The old BSD Syslog and the newer IETF syslog standard is fully supported by nxlog in addition to other custom formats. A key concept in nxlog is to be able to handle and preserve structured logs so there is no need to convert everything to syslog and then parse these logs again at the other side. It has powerful message filtering, log rewrite and conversion capabilities.

Platform : Windows, unix/Linux & Android.

  • Modular architecture through dynamically loadable plugins
  • Multi-threaded, scalable, high-performance I/O – collect messages at blazing speeds (can achieve above 500k EPS)
  • Multi-platform – support for Unix/Linux, Windows, Android
  • Scheduled tasks and built-in log rotation
  • Support for different formats such as syslog, csv, windows eventlog or even custom formats
  • Offline processing mode for post processing, conversion or transfer
  • Event classification and pattern matching
  • Log message rewrite, conversion between different formats
  • Secure network transport over SSL
  • Internationalization for supporting different character sets and on the fly auto-detection of encodings

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Windows – nxlog-ce-1.4.607.msi (3.1 MB)

Centos/RedHat 32bit – nxlog-ce-1.4.607-1.i386.rpm
Centos/RedHat 64bit – nxlog-ce-1.4.607-1.x86_64.rpm
Debian/Ubuntu 64bit – nxlog-ce_1.4.607_amd64.deb

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